Wednesday, December 23, 2015

[151223] LETV Entertainment Weibo Update [w/ LAY]

《老九门》横店探班,陈伟霆 、赵丽颖 、张艺兴@努力努力再努力x 等主演以剧中造型亮相,更亲手煮饺子慰劳媒体和工作人员,张艺兴在剧中扮演的二月红出身戏曲世家。这不现场就被记者们围着要求表演,可让我们小绵羊害羞了。张艺兴称自己以前只包过饺子没煮过,在韩国时煮过汤圆。

 “《Tomb of The Old Nine Gates 》Heng Dian exploration squad, Li Wei Ting, Zhao Li Ying, Zhang Yixing waiting for lead character of the movie to make an appearance, giving personally cooked dumplings to show appreciation to the media and workers. In the film, Zhang Yixing plays Er Yue Hong who comes from a family with a background in Chinese opera. This scene required help from reporters, asking them to act, causing little sheep to be shy. Zhang Yixing stated that in the past he has only packed dumplings, not having cooked them before, but he has cooked glutinous rice balls in Korea before.””

Source: 乐视娱乐
Translation by: Dailyexo

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