Sunday, June 5, 2016

[160605] 'Go Fighting' Weibo Account Update [LAY]

#极限挑战# 小时候,快乐来得如此简单;长大后,我们愿为你的笑容,做最长久的坚守!明晚21点#笑容保卫战# ,”极限男人帮“ 为你守住快乐!

"#Go Fighting# When we were young, happiness came easily; we want to make sure that your smile lasts a long time now that you are grown up! Tomorrow night at 21:00 #Smile Defence Force#, ‘Go Fighting men’ will watch over your happiness!”


今晚21点#笑容保卫战# ,#极限挑战# “微笑特工”集体上线、为“快乐”而战!我们没有多的想法,只有一个原则——你开心就好!

“Tonight at 21:00 #smile defense force#, #Go Fighting’s# ‘smiling secret agents’ will all come together to battle for 'happiness’! We don’t have much in mind, only one principle ——as long as you are happy!”

Translation by: Dailyexo

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