Tuesday, June 7, 2016

[160607] ‘How Are U Bread’ Weibo Account Update [SUHO]

你们都不和面包酱玩涂色游戏,我只好……只好放原图来惊艳你们了。祝愿今天每一位参加高考的蛋糕妹和蛋糕弟都能超常发挥[太开心](这个点还能看到此条微博的考生必须胸有成竹啊,记得带准考证哟)。高考之后,人生七彩,可口的道宇主厨#金俊勉HowAreUBread# 在#HAU蛋糕房# 等你们哟[色]。

“You guys are not even playing spread the colours with bread jam, so I had no choice but to post the original image to shock you all. Here’s wishing that every one of the cake sisters and brothers who are taking their high school exams today will be able to perform beyond their capabilities (To see this post would mean that you’re full of confidence already; just remember to bring your examination pass). After the exam, your life will be filled with colour, delicious chef Dowoo #KimJunMyeonHowAreUBread# will wait for you guys in the #HAU cake shop#.”

Source: HAU蛋糕房
Translation by: Dailyexo

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