Friday, September 8, 2017

[170905 BAEKSTAGRAM] BaekHyun's Instagram Account Update

진실이 아닌 거짓을 믿지말아요 에리들 인터넷은 믿을수 있는게 많이 없어요ㅋ 거짓을 진실로 꾸며내기는 너무 쉬워요 하지만 진실을 진실로 증명하기는 너무나 어렵죠 . 내가 더 직접적으로 말하진 못해요. 알지도 못하는 사람들의 말을 믿지말아요 . 아무튼 우리 다같이 힘내보자구요!👍🏻 #6시#POWER #WeAreOne

“Erie, don’t believe the lies that aren’t true. There aren’t many things that are really true on the internet ㅋ It’s very easy to pass off untruths as truths, but very hard to verify that a truth is really true . I cannot put this more candidly . Please do not believe the words of people you do not know . Anyway, let’s all gain strength!👍🏻 #6PM#POWER#WeAreOne”

Source: baekhyunee_exo
Translation by: Dailyexo

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