Thursday, September 21, 2017

[170920 YEOLSTAGRAM] ChanYeol's Instagram Account Update [CHEN]

죤대얌 생일츅하햄 사랑햄🎂”

Translation (image):

Chanyeol: “I’m going to upload this on Instagram so reply with pretty words”
Chen: “kekekekekekekekekekekekeke”
Chen: “kekekekekekekekekekekekeke”
Chen: “Upload the things you said on top too, I should’ve replied keke”
Chanyeol: “kekekekeke really kekeke”
Chen: “Thank you for today and not having you here made me realize how big of a difference it made Be safe and I’ll see you in Australia ”
Chanyeol: “I love you”
Translation (caption): “Jongdae, happy birthday, I love you🎂”


“with Tommy hilfiger”

Source: real__pcy
Translation by: Dailyexo

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