Wednesday, September 27, 2017

[170926] Zhang Yixing Studio’ Weibo Account Update


#张艺兴音乐冒险季# “All IN”“全部心血”“牛掰”“一场不计回报的豪赌”“写给粉丝的歌”“二胎”“我的音乐”“好听到炸”如果你知道这些关键词,那么你所期待的,都在这里了! 【张艺兴第二张实体唱片预售】X【新歌首秀showcase】强势来袭,一小时后,十点,不见不散。

“#Zhang Yixing music adventure season# "All IN” “All the Effort” “Good” “A gamble without expecting any returns” “songs written for fans” “second child” “my song” “best songs to listen to” If you are familiar with all these keywords, then everything you’ve been expecting is here! ‘Zhang Yixing’s second album pre-orders’ X 'new songs showcase’, one hour later, 10 o'clock, see you there!“


#张艺兴音乐冒险季# 重要的事要一起说!张艺兴第二张个人唱片先行曲MV《I NEED U》上线12小时,播放量突破2600万,连续空降三大音乐榜单冠军!今日,张艺兴第二张实体专辑开启预售,唱片上线5小时销量突破60000张,销量一路持续飙升。坚持传统音乐情怀,坚持音乐态度,一起走进张音乐人的音乐世界~

“#Zhang Yixing music adventure season# Important things must be said together! The MV of Zhang Yixing’s second solo album ‘I NEED YOU’ has been online for 12 hours now, and in that time, it has reached 26 million plays and topped three music charts! Today, Zhang Yixing’s second solo album is officially out in stores, and has sold 60000 albums in just 5 hours, with sales still continuing. Persevere the mood of traditional music, persevere in the attitude of music, let’s walk into Musician Zhang’s world of music together.”


#张艺兴音乐冒险季# 还记得去年的REACTION嘛 今年还来得及录的小朋友们可要抓紧时间咯 因为…

“#Zhang Yixing’s music adventure season# Do you still remember last year’s REACTION? If you can make it in time for this year’s recording, hurry up because…”

Source: 张艺兴工作室
Translation by: Dailyexo

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