Friday, October 6, 2017

[171001] Netizens are touched by EXO Baekhyun's statement defending the honor of idol fans

On the most recent episode of J.Y. Park's 'Party People' aired on September 30, EXO's Baekhyun spoke up about the prejudices surrounding idols, and even their fans.

He said during a talk session with host J.Y. Park, "When you think about idols, there are a lot of prejudices surrounding us. Even among fans. They ask, 'Are you a fan of an artist? Or are you a fan of an idol?' There are many who separate those two. And if you like an idol, then negatively put, you're called a 'bbasooni' (a derogatory Korean slang term for a 'fangirl'). But my honest wish is that fans do not resort to calling one another such names, I wonder to myself how we can help in overcoming this obstacle." 

Since the broadcast, the post was spread around online communities, hoping to provide idol fangirls/fanboys who are looked down on by their peers with some consolation and comfort.

Many netizens who are also idol fans did seem to find the comfort Baekhyun meant to convey through his words. They commented, "It really annoys me when people can relate to you if you like an actor or actress, but if you like an idol you're somehow pathetic", "So touched TT", "It's so wrong to look down on idol fans by calling them 'bbasooni's", "I've never seen anyone react positively if you're an adult and you claim to like idols. Honestly, use the time you have to criticize other people's preferences to work on yourself", etc.

One netizen even reacted with the adorable photo below, and said, "Sweetie TT My pretty baby, ily TT." 

Source: Allkpop

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