Friday, September 8, 2017

[170906] Home Shopping Hostess Dong Jihyun’s Instagram Account Update [SUHO-SEHUN]

내가 1년넘게 가르친 제자들. 쉬는날을 바쳐가며 발성,발음,화법,노래가사발음까지… 슨생님은 느그들이 무지 뿌듯하다. 연습생때의 고민,노력,땀을 누구보다 잘알기에. #EXO#엑소 #세훈#준면

“My students that I taught for a year. They dedicated their days off to practice vocalization, pronunciation, speech, and even song lyric pronunciation… Your teacher is very proud. I know better than anyone the worries, the effort and the sweat of your training days. #EXO #Sehun #Junmyeon”

Source: dongjihyun
Translation by: Dailyexo

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