Saturday, December 5, 2015

[151203] ‘The Baby From Universe’ Weibo Update [w/ LAY]

#从天儿降定档1204# 超人海报飞来~拔拔麻麻就算你们假扮超人[奥特曼],也打不过帅霸天牌小怪兽!@陈学冬 @努力努力再努力x @姜雯Coco @李小璐Super璐 劝你们放下奶瓶,缴械投降,还有3小时上映,地球人将被我 化臣服,到时候天下都是朕的!

“#Baby From Universe official confirm on 1204# Superhuman poster has flown in~ baba mama even if you guys disguise yourself as superhuman [Ultraman], you still can’t beat Shuai Ba Tian the little devil! @Chen Xue Dong @Zhang Yixing @Jiang Wen Coco @Li Xiao Lu Super Lu advice you guys to put down the milk bottle, disarm and surrender, there is still 3 hours until the premiere, I have made earthlings change allegiance and by then, the whole world will be mine!”

Translation by: Dilyexo

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