Wednesday, December 23, 2015

[151222] LETV Weibo Updates [w/ LAY]

《老九门》横店探班,陈伟霆 、赵丽颖 、张艺兴@努力努力再努力x 等主演以剧中造型亮相,更亲手煮饺子慰劳媒体和工作人员,张艺兴在剧中扮演的二月红出身戏曲世家。这不现场就被记者们围着要求表演,可让我们小绵羊害羞了。张艺兴称自己以前只包过饺子没煮过,在韩国时煮过汤圆。

“#Tomb of The Old Nine Gates# Media exploration squad day! Coincidental winter solstice! Eating dumplings warms the stomach!”


《老九门》探班!#张艺兴# 小朋友!接受媒体专访!萌萌哒~乐视的麦标!泥去哪儿了!太不争气了!全是友网的标

“Visiting the《Old Nine Gates》filming site! Taking part in a media interview! Cute ~ LETV’S microphone label! Where did you go! So dissapointing! All the labels are from other stations”

Source: 乐视娱乐
Translation by: Dailyexo

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