Friday, February 19, 2016

[160219] Cine21 Twitter Updates [D.O.]

[씨네21] 1043호 커버는 정지혜 기자가 만난 의 도경수입니다. 커버도 멋지지만, 인쇄 전 내지의 흑백 이미지도 좋아서(최종 버전은 컬러입니다) 올려봅니다. 자세한 인터뷰는 잡지에서.

“[Cine 21] Jung Jihye met Do Kyungsoo, who is featured on cover of 1043rd issue. Though the official cover is cool, the prior print made in black and white was good as well so we are adding the black and white photo to the interview page (however, the official cover is in color).”


[씨네21] 1043호, 앞서 흑백 이미지에 이어 손홍주 기자가 촬영한 도경수 커버입니다. “ 잭 블랙의 열정을 보며 감탄하고, 선배 조인성의 조언을 귀담아 듣는..”(인터뷰 중)

“[Cine 21] After printing the black and white version, the color version was printed for the 1043rd edition which Son Hongju captured. ‘I was amaxed by Jack Black’s passion, and listened to Jo Insung.. ’ (During interview)’”

Source: cine21_editor
Translation by: Dailyexo

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