Tuesday, June 21, 2016

[160620] Official EXO-L Website Update: [From.XIUMIN]

EXO-L 여러분,
약속을 지키러 왔습니다.

음악방송 1위!!
EXO의 1위는 EXO-L이 만든다!
뭐지…갑자기 떠오르는 말이!! (실제상황)

‘EXO는 EXO-L을 만나 “Lucky One” 이고
EXO-L은 EXO를 “Monster"로 만든다!’ (소오름!!)
급작스럽게 명언이 나와서 당황했어요~하하;;

정말이지, 항상 감사한 마음으로 활동하고 있습니다.
진심으로 감사 드려요 >.<
여러분의 응원과 사랑 덕분에 힘들어도 버틸 수 있었고
무대 위에서도 즐거운 거 같아요. 그래서… 정말 별거 아니지만…
1위 공약으로 내세웠던 그…영상…으로 조금이나마 웃음을 드리고 싶습니다!!
그럼 늦은 시간에 실례 많았습니다.

우리 EXO-L 오늘도 수고 많았어요. 잘자요^^

I am here to keep my promise.

Music broadcast 1st place!!
EXO’s 1st place that was made by EXO-L!
Suddenly these words came to me!! (This situation is real)

‘EXO-L is the “Lucky One” EXO has met
And EXO-L has turned EXO into a “Monster”!’ (Goosebumps!!)
That I had thought of something so clever made me a little flustered~haha;;

Truthfully, we are always promoting with thankful hearts.
I sincerely wish to thank you >.<
With everyone’s support and love we’re able to gain strength
and enjoy performing on stage. So… though it isn’t much…
As my 1st place promise, with this…video…I hope I will make you all smile, if only a little!!
I’m sorry for bothing you at such a late hour.

Our EXO-L have worked hard again today. Sleep well^^“

Translation by: Dailyexo

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