Thursday, June 23, 2016

[160622 XINGBO] Lay's Weibo Account Updates

1500万 谢谢大家
“1.5 million thank you everyone”


谢谢红雷哥 疏影姐 耀庆哥 车晓姐 晓彤老师 谢谢奶奶 谢谢导演和编剧姐姐 谢谢后厨的高矮胖瘦 谢谢剧组每一位台前幕后的工作人员 谢谢你们对小蔡的照顾 成为主厨后 他还是会觉得土豆很漂亮 他会做出更好吃的菜 也会给身边的人创造更多幸福 最重要的是 会跟大家一样 活出更精彩的人生

“Thank you brother Hong Lei, sister Che Xiao, teacher Xiao Tong, thank you grandma, thank you director and screenwriters, thank you chef’s friends - Lanky, Shorty, Chubby and Skinny1 - thank you to everyone on the crew; thank you for taking care of Xiao Cai. After becoming the main chef, he will still find potato pretty, he will cook more delicious food and will bring more happiness to people around him. Most importantly, he will be like you guys, and live life at it’s best.”

Translation by: Dailyexo

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