Monday, June 27, 2016

[160627] In Shanghai Magazine Weibo Account Update [LAY]

【6E@努力努力再努力x 】7月4日起东方卫视开播的《老九门》,是南派三叔继《盗墓笔记》后又一部被改编成电视剧的作品。张艺兴被三叔钦点出演二月红,剧中又是唱京剧,又是打斗,还有虐心情感戏。

“【6E @Zhang Yixing】starting on 4th Juky Dragon TV will commence broadcasting ‘Old Nine Gates’, which is Nan Pai Uncle Three’s continuation of 'The Lost Tomb’ novel series which has been adapted into a television production. Zhang Yixing has been personally chosen by Uncle Three to play Er Yue Hong, who is known in he original novel for singing opera, fighting and following his own heart.”

Translation by: Dailyexo

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