Thursday, September 15, 2016

[160915] Illustrator Jung Yunhyun’s Instagram Account Update [D.O]

이미지를 가져가시는건 상관 없지만 제 업로드 하실 땐 출처를 밝혀 주시면 감사하겠습니다 #illustration #drawing #movie #animation #background #art #conceptart #character #underdog #imageboard #애니메이션 #컨셉아트 #일러스트 #드로잉 #이미지보드 #언더독 #유기견 #폐가 #아지트 #캐릭터 #뭉치 #도경수 #bordercollie #보더콜리

“While I have no issues with you taking out this image, but I’d be thankful if you kindly credit the source upon reposting. #illustration #drawing #movie #animation #background #art #conceptart #character #underdog #imageboard #movie #animation #concept art #illustration #drawing #imageboard #film #Underdog #stray dog #Bukhan Mountain #moonlight #pet dog #character #Mungchi #Do Kyungsoo #bordercollie #Border Collie”

이미지를 가져가시는건 상관 없지만 제 업로드 하실 땐 출처를 밝혀 주시면 감사하겠습니다 #illustration #drawing #movie #animation #background #art #conceptart #character #underdog #imageboard #영화 #애니메이션 #컨셉아트 #일러스트 #드로잉 #이미지보드 #언더독 #들개 #북한산 #달빛 #반려견 #캐릭터 #뭉치 #도경수 #bordercollie #보더콜리

“While I have no issues with you taking out this image, but I’d be thankful if you kindly credit the source upon reposting. #illustration #drawing #movie #animation #background #art #conceptart #character #underdog #imageboard #movie #animation #concept art #illustration #drawing #imageboard #film #Underdog #stray dog #Bukhan Mountain #moonlight #pet dog #character #Mungchi #Do Kyungsoo #bordercollie #Border Collie”


#illustration #drawing #movie #animation #background #art #conceptart #character #underdog #imageboard #collage #영화 #애니메이션 #컨셉아트 #일러스트 #드로잉 #이미지보드 #언더독 #들개 #북한산 #달빛 #반려견 #유기견 #그림 #콜라주 #꼴라쥬

“#illustration #drawing #movie #animation #background #art #conceptart #character #underdog #imageboard #collage #movie #animation #concept #illustration #drawing #image board #underdog #stray dog #Bukhan Mountain #moonlight #pet dog #stray dog #illustration #collage #collage”

Source: yunhyun85
Translation by: Dailyexo

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