Saturday, September 17, 2016

[160917 YEOLSTAGRAM] ChanYeol's Intagram Account Update

아직도 흥이나는 노래!! 재석이형 오늘 정말 감동적이고 멋있었어요!!🙈 #DCK #저거촬영하고다음날이 #뮤뱅이였음 #3일동안걷질못함 #걱정시켜서죄송해요

“A song that never gets old!! Jaesukie-hyung really touched me, he was so cool!! 🙈 #DCK #that was the day before #Music Bank #I couldnt walk for 3 days #sorry for making you worry”

Source: real__pcy
Translation by: Dailyexo

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