Tuesday, September 27, 2016

[160927 YEOLSTAGRAM] ChanYeol's Instagram/Instavid Account Update [D.O.]

A video posted by EXO_CY (@real__pcy) on

경수가….이런 누추한곳에….😢 #loveyourself #완곡은싸클에 #realpcysc
“Kyungsoo….in this humble abode….😢 #loveyourself #euphemistic soundcloud #realpcysc”


10월19일!! 예성이형의 일본솔로앨범이 발매됩니다!! 형 일본 프로모션 가실때 따라가도 되는건가요??? にほんご べんきょう がんばれます!🙈 #雨のち晴れの空の色 #letmekiss 💋 #20161019

“October 19th!! Yesungie-hyung’s Japanese solo album will be released!! Hyung, when you go to Japan to promotion, can I follow you??? I will work hard at studying Japanese! 🙈 #Color of The Clear Sky After Rain #Letmekiss💋 #20161019”

Source: real__pcy
Translation by: Dailyexo

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