Thursday, October 20, 2016

[161020] Official EXO-L Website Update: [From. KAI] EXO 카이 입니다 (I'm EXO's Kai)

EXO 카이 입니다.

여러분 내가 또 왔지~
이날은 하이컷
시스템옴므 화보를 찍은 날입니다.
사진보고 체하면 안돼요.
천천히 보세요.
그럼 또 올게요! 히”

It’s EXO’s Kai.

Everyone, I’m here again.1
This day2 was when I had the High Cut
System Homme pictorial shooting.
Try not to get indigestion from looking at these photos.
Look at them slowly.
Well then, I shall return again! Hee1”

(1Note: Kai is expressing himself in a cute(aegyo) way here. 2Note: Kai is referring to the day when the selcas were taken. A less literal translation would be: ‘These photos were taken on the day of the High Cut System Homme pictorial shooting’.)
Translation by: Dailyexo

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