Friday, October 21, 2016

[161021] Churro King Instagram Account Update [D.O.]

오늘도 밤 12시 #서포트 진행하고 있습니다 출력물 없이 진행 요청 주셔서 #츄로킹 본연의 모습으로 나왔답니다 츄로킹이 최고로 사랑하는 분이 불러주셨는데 밝히지 못해 아쉽네요 오늘도 진심으로 감사합니다🙇 쌀쌀한 날씨에 야외에서 고생하시는 모든분들께 따뜻한 츄러스와 커피 맛있게 만들어 드리고 갈게요 굿밤😋

“Tonight at midnight, we delivered a #support event. As we were requested to not have any identifiers, we went with our plain banners. We were asked by the person who loves us the most1, so we’re sad that we can’t boast who it was. Today, you have our sincere thanks again 🙇 To everyone who is working hard in this cold weather, please have our warm churros and coffee. Good night😋”

(1Note: it has been confirmed by ‘Positive Constitution’ staff that D.O. bought support for their final shoot. D.O. is known to regularly choose Churro King when sending support to fellow members and EXO-L, hence his being referred to as “the person who loves us the most”.) 

Source: churrokingtruck
Translation by: Dailyexo

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