Saturday, December 31, 2016

[161231] Official EXO-L Website Update: [From.CHANYEOL] “Winter Special Message !!”

안녕하세요~! EX의 아…. EXO의 찬열입니다!
여러분의 2016년은 어떠셨나요~!! 저는 2016년 역시 여러분들과 함께했기에 행복한 한해였습니다! 어느덧 2017년이 되었습니다!
계속 말씀드린 것 처럼 2017년은 기대가 많이 됩니다!
2016 아… 2017년도 항상 건강하시고 저희 EXO 와 함께 해요 여러분!
새해복 많이 많이 받으시고 사랑해요~! 안녕~!♡

“Hello~! I am EX’s ah1…. EXO’s Chanyeol!
Did everyone enjoy 2016~!! For me, 2016 with you all was definitely happy! Suddenly it’s 2017!
Like I always say, 2017 will be filled with a lot of excitement!
In 2016 ah2… in 2017 as well, everyone should be healthy with EXO!
Very very Happy New Year, I love you~! Goodbye~!♡”

(1Note: Chanyeol accidentally made a spelling mistake due to the similarity between the English ‘O’ in ‘EXO’ and the Hangul character 'ㅇ’ in the possessive '의’; 2Note: Chanyeol appears to have accidentally '2016’ instead of '2017’; 3Note: Chanyeol drew a picture of rice cake soup, which is traditionally eaten on New Year’s Day.)
Translation by: Dailyexo

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