Tuesday, January 10, 2017

[170109 XINGBO] Lay's Weibo Account Update

首先 这是一张非常用心的专辑 我涉及了一些 自己没有涉及过的领域 学到了很多知识 谢谢所有为了这张专辑的制作 发行 出版 宣传等 默默付出的幕后工作人员 谢谢 我希望大家能够陪我一路成长 这张专辑 让我非常感动 因为 我亲爱的兴迷Xback们 这么支持这张专辑 我只想通过持续不断的努力 给你们带来更好的音乐 有很多的意想不到 有很多的不可思议 把这一切的力量 化作二儿子出生的动力 请大家可以多多期待二儿子的诞生 也期望它的产品质量能够超越大儿子的水平 音乐是我生命的一部分 我真的太爱音乐了 太热爱太热爱了 谢谢你们 用你们所有的爱 凝聚成保护我梦想的力量 让我可以去挑战每一次的异想天开 和天马行空 希望我们一起见证儿子们加冕为王

“Firstly, this is an album to which I paid a lot of attention. I participated in some areas that I have not participated in before. I learnt a lot. Thank you to the staffs who worked diligently behind the scenes to produce, release, distribute and issue the album. I hope that everyone will be able to accompany me as I grow on this journey. I feel very touched because of this album. This is because of the support from my beloved Xingmis Xback towards this album. I just want to continue to work harder. In order to bring better music to all of you. A lot of unexpected and unbelievable things happened. I will turn all this strength into motivation to produce my second son1. I hope everyone will look forward to the birth of my second son. I hope that it’s quality will exceed that of my first son. Music is a part of my life. I really love music so much. I love it with so much love, so much. Thank you for using all your love. As a force that protects my dreams. This has allowed me to think out of the box and be creative. Let’s witness my sons being crowned as king together (Pinky promise)”

(1Note: Lay is referring to his second album.)
Translation by: Dailyexo

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