Friday, April 28, 2017

[170427 XINGBO] Lay's Weibo Account Update

欠你们的照片来了 欣赏好的品位和创意 也有助于提升审美眼光和艺术感 趁看展的时候 好好学习一下 快放假了 建议你们也来看看吧 #我在故宫看展览##中法珍宝艺术展#

“The photos that I owe you guys are here. Appreciating good aesthetic quality and creativity will help increase your appreciation and sense for the arts. When visiting the exhibition, learn some things from it. The holidays are almost here, so I suggest that you guys come see it #I’m visiting the exhibition at the Palace Museum##Imperial Splendours: The Art of Jewellery Since The 18th Century#”

Translation by: Dailyexo

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