Friday, May 5, 2017

[170505] Zhang Yixing Studio’s Weibo Account Update

#张艺兴# 在央视五四晚会演唱《精忠报国》 向上向善好青年张艺兴、五四优秀青年代表张艺兴 你不会知道这种老板太优秀的感觉 先来一轮照片,其他的分期付款呗 (X)

“#Zhang Yixing# performed ‘Serving One’s Country With Utmost Loyalty’ at CCTV Flowers in May Gala. The king and outstanding Youth Zhang Yixing, the representative for Youth Day, Zhang Yixing. You couldn’t possibly understand the feeling of having such an excellent boss. Some photos for you guys; the rest will be posted in instalments”

Source: 张艺兴工作室
Translation by: Dailyexo

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