Thursday, November 24, 2016

[161124] 'Operation Love’ Weibo Account Update [LAY]

#求婚大作战# 青春五人组和“情敌老师”都来了,天使大叔到底要不要上台,考虑中
“#Operation Love# The youthful team of 5 and the ‘love rival’ teacher are all here, is Uncle Angel going on stage.. contemplating it right now”


#求婚大作战# 中国版魔性口令姿势来啦 由小赖亲自提供动作创意 原谅我们剧组的中二少年少女有点多


#求婚大作战# 聊起片场趣事,原来我们剧组的日常是:大家互相借对方衣服穿~互相取暖

“#Operation Love# Sharing interesting anecdotes from the filming process, we realised that our filming crew’s daily routine is: Everyone lending their clothes to each other~ Seeking warmth from each other”


“#求婚大作战# 媒体见面会结束了~我们的主演正在接受媒体专访 稍后天使大叔将继续带你们去片场看看

“#Operation Love# The press conference has ended~ Our main lead is accepting an exclusive interview from the press right now. After that, this uncle angel will take you all around the filming site for a look”


#求婚大作战# 夜色降临,片场紧张拍摄中
“#Operation Love# Night has fallen, but the whole crew is still anxiously filming”


#求婚大作战# 夜色降临,片场紧张拍摄中
"#Operation Love# Night has fallen, but the whole crew is still anxiously filming”


#求婚大作战# 抓住几只蚕宝宝 以及棉被下敬业工作的青春五人组 张艺兴@努力努力再努力x @陈都灵 @张昊唯 @赵圆瑗 @吕炸炸 大叔也要去裹棉被了,下次见

“#Operation Love# Caught a few silkworm babies as well as the hardworking and responsible youthful team of 5 working under the blanket1?> Zhang Yi Xing @Zhang Yi Xing @Cheng Du Ling @Zhang Hao Wei @Zhao Yuan Ai @Uncle Lu Sha Zha need to wrap up in blankets too; let’s meet next time”


“#求婚大作战# 每一次为梦想、为幸福勇敢作战的你,都让这个世界更温暖大声地祝福大家:感恩节快乐❤哈利路亚 chance!

“#Operation Love# For the you who fight courageously for your dreams, for your happiness every time, this world is made warmer. Here’s loudly wishing everyone: Happy Thanksgiving❤️ Hallelujah chance!”

Translation by: Dailyexo

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