Sunday, November 27, 2016

[161127 XINGSTAGRAM] Lay's Instagram Account Updates

谢谢侯佩岑姐的卤肉饭 每天都吃卤肉饭 是人生的一大享受 哈哈哈哈


小猪哥 你的花篮 陪我2天了 我一直放在门口 一出来就看看 我终于 好好的结束了演唱会 谢谢你ho

“Brother Xiao Zhu your flower basket accompanied me for 2 days already. I’ve placed it at the entrance so I can see it whenever I go out. I ended the concert happily, thank you ho”



Translation (image):
Stewed meat
With regards to the stewed meat I’ve eaten, I have made some conclusions. 
Taibei’s stewed meat rice has a lot of fatty meat with an exquisite texture.
Taichung’ stewed meat rice has a little less meat but it has a rich aroma.
Chilung’s stewed meat rice, to put it simply, is not too fat or thin; it’s just perfect, not lacking in exquisite texture either. In the midst of continuing to replace the old with the new…”

Source: zyxzjs

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