Sunday, November 27, 2016

[161127 YEOLSTAGRAM] ChanYeol's Instagram Account Update

A video posted by EXO_CY (@real__pcy) on

많은사람한테 축하받을수 있다는건 정말 행복한 일인것 같습니다..이런순간순간이 가수라는 직업을 더 행복하게 만들고 여러분들이 저를 행복한 사람으로 만들어 줍니다🙈 한국에서 했던 생일파티도 물론이구요!! 축하해주신 모든분들께 진심으로 감사드리고 앞으로도 건강하고 즐겁게 살자구요!! 생일축하해 찬열아🕯

“To be able to receive congratulatory messages from many people is such a happy thing.. moments like these make my job as a singer a lot happier and everyone has made me a happy person. 🙈 The birthday party held in Korea as well, of course!! To everyone who has wished me a happy birthday, I would sincerely like to thank and going forward, please be healthy and always live happily!! Happy Birthday Chanyeol-ah🕯”

Source: real__pcy
Translation by: Dailyexo

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